Subterranean Termites vs Drywood Termites

Subterranean Termites Vs Drywood Termites 

Differences between Drywood and Subterranean Termites.

Do you know what the differences are when it comes to termites? There are two main kinds of termites that we often refer to. Property owners have the most problems with drywood and subterranean termites. In the Riverside and San Diego County you can encounter a problem with either termite type, though drywood termites are more popular around the Temecula Valley. It can be argued which termite is the worst of the two. We won’t get into that, instead let’s go over the differences between these two termites. 

Subterranean Termite Characteristics 

  • Will swarm during the day.

  • Have a black body with white wings.

  • They live in sheltered mud tubes.

  • Subterranean Termites require moister and humidity to survive.

  • Can be found more at ground level, close to a structures foundation.

Drywood Termite Characteristics 

  • Have black wings and a red colored body.

  • Will swarm at nighttime.

  • Does not require moisture or much humidity.

  • Live in drywood.

  • Often found in attic wood.

What to do when you have a termite problem

Spotting a swarm of termites can be an overwhelming sight. There are times you may not even see the termites themselves, but instead find what looks to be termite evidence. No matter how you discover that you have a termite problem, seeking the help of a professional is the best way to tackle any termite infestation. Termites are not a pest that is recommended that you take on yourself. There are various treatment options when trying to get rid of termites. Determining what options are available when it comes to treatment will depend on the type and size of the termite infestation. Start with a termite inspection preformed by a termite pest professional. Thermal heat can be used in treating drywood termites, but not for subterranean. For subterranean termites sister company Black Knight Termite Control has several termite treatment options. Leave it to the professionals, and get educate on what type of termites you have. 

The longer a termite problem goes untreated the more devastating the termite damage will become.