Termite Treatment without Fumigation

Eco Friendly Alternative to Termite Fumigation

No Fumigation Tent Termite Extermination

Safe- Eco Friendly- Non Chemical- Termite Treatment

There are options when it come to Termite Treatment. Harsh Chemicals, and large area fumigations are NOT always the answer. Instead there is an eco friendly, non chemical approach with Thermal Heat Pest. Thermal Heat effectively kills drywood termites with use of heat generated through propane heaters. The area is heated to a high temperature for a set amount of time depending on the size of the infestation eliminating termites at any stage of life. Thermal Heat Termite Treatment is available all throughout San Diego, and Riverside County. Temecula residents with termite problems are perfect candidates for Thermal Heat Termite Treatment.

Thermal Heat can treat a small, or large area. It can even treat a single piece of furniture that has been overrun by termites. With only the use of Thermal Heat, not only are there no chemicals involved, but there is no need for added down time like with fumigations. Don’t worry about packing up your belongings and trying to find a suitable place for you and your family to stay while the Termite Extermination is completed. The treatment process is completed in a matter of hours, not days. This is BIG news for businesses who can’t afford another unnecessary “shut down.” 

Do you have questions about the Thermal Heat Termite Treatment process?

We thought you might.

Starting with a professional termite inspection is the first step in battling a termite problem. Everything involving your termite treatment is completed in house, no need to out source termite services. Choose the Pest Company you can trust. Located in Temecula’s Wine Country, Thermal Heat has a crew of Termite Professionals with over 20 years of experience in the pest control and extermination industry. 

Before you call in a fumigation treatment for your termite problem call the eco friendly, convenient company, Thermal Heat Pest. Termites do not need to be treated, and exterminated only by fumigation. Termites can be exterminated successfully with Thermal Heat, and without harsh chemicals. So unpack your bags, cancel the hotel reservations, keep that money in your pocket, and call the Professionals at Thermal Heat Pest for your FREE Termite Inspection.