How Did I Get Bed Bugs?

Bed Bug Problem in the Home

Wondering how you now manage to share your cozy bed with an unwanted pest?

Bed Bugs are definitely not a pest you want to find between the sheets. 

During this time of year bed bugs are a common pest.

So how did you end up with a bed bug problem anyway? 

Bed bugs are known as a “hitchhiking” pest, which can perhaps explain how you ended up with bed bugs in your home to begin with. Bed bugs will latch on to any type of bag, luggage, purse, backpack, etc. Once you are in a place where there is an active bed bug infestation you are vulnerable to bring the infestation home with you. The tiny bugs can travel between rooms like apartments, and hotels. This leads us to the most common way that bed bugs spread, and that is by travel. Staying at a temporary residence whether is be a family members home, hotel, or Airbnb. 

How to Avoid a Bed Bug Problem.

The best way to avoid a bed bug infestation in your home is by inspecting a new area that you are staying. Preferably before setting your belongings down, give a through look at your surroundings for pests. Don’t just check the bed and mattress, also check the curtains, and furniture. Bed bugs can hide other places than just the mattress and bedding. Bed bugs will hide in any crack or crevices they can. Bed bugs along with any other pest infestation can be prevented by keeping a clean surrounding, or at the very least caught in its early stages.

How to get rid of a bed bug infestation. 

Getting rid of bed bugs can be extremely difficult on your own. Calling in a pest control professional is the best thing to do when you have a bed bug problem. Thermal Heat Treatment is an effective way to get rid of bed bugs without chemicals. Using specialized heaters to heat the area of infestation kills off bed bugs at any stage. Thermal Heat Pest Guarantees Bed Bug Elimination. Start with a pest inspection to help gain better perspective on the problem and help to answer any concerns you may have. With the guidance of a trusted pest professional you can get your bed bug problem under control and eliminated.