Termite Treatment in Spring

Spring is Termite Time

Thermal Heat Treatment for Drywood Termites 

Non Chemical Treatment for Termites 

Are you ready for wood destroying organisms to destroy your home? Termites along with most other pests are becoming increasingly active this spring. Termites can be a destructive pest to homeowners all over Riverside and San Diego County. Termites use their scissor like jaws to chomp through wood all day and night, and if missed or put off can cause thousands of dollars in damage. Did you know that there is and safe non chemical way to exterminate termites that is also affordable. 

Wondering what you can do to prevent a termite problem?

It’s as easy as early detection.

Pest Control companies such as Temecula’s very own sister company local Black Knight Termite and Pest Control offers annual termite inspections to insure your home is not impacted by termites and their damage. These regular termite inspections conducted by a licensed termite professional give a home or business owner a clear view of what is going on within the walls of a structure. It’s a simple task to schedule a termite inspection, and with Black Knight Pest Control, termite inspections are FREE of cost for concerned homeowners. If you live in an area where termites are commonly found a Termite Contract could be the best termite prevention option for you. A Termite Contract with Black Knight Termite is a service that provides annual termite inspections and termite treatment. Ask about what termite plan is right for you.

Thermal Heat Treatment for Termites

You could be dealing with a termite problem that can be treated with Thermal Heat Pest. If that is the case then you are in store for some great benefits. With Thermal Heat you can effectively exterminate drywood termites without having to leave your home. Thermal Heat Treatment is an alternative treatment in place of a fumigation. No need to pack up your entire home and rush to find a place to stay. Heat Treatment causes no harm to humans or pets. Termite Thermal Heat Treatment means NO DOWN TIME for businesses. Thermal Heat is able to treat a single area of the home, and also large commercial areas. To top it off with all the added bonuses Thermal Heat Treatment is guaranteed through Thermal Heat Pest.

Spring Season and Termites

You can expect subterranean termites to begin their swarming in early spring. Subterranean termites will typically swarm on a warm day after a rainfall. If you live by the coast subterranean termites are no stranger. For subterranean termites Thermal Heat would not be an option. Places like Carlsbad and Oceanside are known to experience termite problems in the costal community. Drywood termites can be expected to attack most any type of dry wood. That can extend from fencing, to furniture, and of course your home. Thermal Heat Treatment is great in treating drywood termites. Bottom line is all termites are active during spring and summer months. 

Termites are beginning to swarm in the spring and summer months as they search a place to begin a  new colony. California’s Temecula and Murrieta area provide warm weather all year-round. Termite professionals are most always need to exterminate a termite problem. Finding a guaranteed termite extermination company is important to find incase the termites come back, which they sometimes do. 

Knowing what to look for in a termite infestation is  important in catching a termite problem early. Too many times termite go undetected for long periods causing large amounts of structural damage. 

Signs of Termites

  • Piles of termite droppings resembling pepper.

  • Discarded wings.

  • Termites themselves.

  • Chipped or peeling paint.

  • Hollow sounding wood.

If you come across any or all of these termite signs in your Riverside home call the termite professionals. The best for of termite prevention is early detection and working with a skilled pest technician. Black Knight Termite and Thermal Heat Pest have a wide variety of termite extermination options depending on the type of termite problem. Ask about organic non chemical pest prevention. 

Save yourself time and money by calling Thermal Heat Pest for a Termite Inspection.