Self Distancing and Home Maintenance Against Termites

Termite Problems

There is no better time than now to take a walk around your home in search of termite damage. In efforts to control Coronavirus many of us are staying indoors, and looking for things to keep ourselves busy.

Why not do a little home maintenance and prevent against termites?

Termites can cause more than 2 billion dollars in home damage each year. Feeding primarily on wood, they can compromise the strength of a structure entirely. Subterranean Termites can destroy a foundation of a home, chewing through insulation, support beams and pipes.

Termite Damage

What does termite evidence look like?

Now that you have that finished that board game, binge watched everything on Netflix and read a book, it’s time to take a walk around the house in search of termites.

Before you set out in search of those wood destroying pests there are a few things that you should have in mind as to what you will be looking for.

  • Maze like patterns in furniture and walls.

  • Small piles of drywood termite droppings (frass).

  • Mud tubes climbing the exterior foundation a structure.

  • Wings left behind after swarms.

  • Clicking sounds! Quiet clicking sounds coming from the walls.

  • Blisters in wood flooring.

  • Damaged wood.

  • Hollow sounding wood.

Termite Evidence Found

As soon as you discover that you have a termite infestation it’s time to take action.

We all have enough stress as it is, at this time of uncertainty the last thing you want is to take on a termite infestation on your own. Contacting a Professional Termite Company to set up a Termite Inspection is your best bet. There are a few things that you can do on your own of course but when dealing with termites most do-it-yourself treatments are ineffective. DIY termite treatments will not prevent termites from re-infesting.

Termite droppings

Termite droppings

Thermal Heat Treatment for Termites

Thermal Heat Treatment is the friendly eco- friendly option in pest control. Not only is it free from chemicals but also allows you to stay in your home while treating the termite infestation. No need to relocate for days a time! At Thermal Heat Pest our policy is to provide the best treatment and service possible with little to no down time. Heat Treatment uses hot air instead of toxic chemicals. The treatment can be confined to the area of the termite infestation itself and even treat an entire structure. Our Thermal Heat Professional will stay on sight during the process to insure that the customer feels comfortable throughout the entire process.


This is not the time to stress about a termite infestation. We have enough going on as it is. That being said a termite infestation should not go untreated. If a termite infestation is left untreated it can cause thousands in property damage and in some cases loss of the entire structure. We still need a safe place to lay our heads down at night. Thermal Heat Treatment is the safe eco-friendly, non chemical approach to pest control. With Thermal Heat Pest there is no need to leave your home in order to treat a termite problem, so why not multi-task while you self quarantine!

Stay Safe Everyone!

For more information on Thermal Heat Treatment contact our office at 951.870.0198

Still undecided if Thermal Heat is right for you? Check out this blog on Thermal Heat and its advantages!