Heat Treatment for Bedbugs

Bed Bug Elimination

Signs of Bed bugs

  • Fecal spots on bedding and mattress

  • Blood stains on sheets

  • Bed bugs shed-leaving exoskeletons

  • A musty odor

  • Marks on your body from bites

    Though bed bugs are mostly known for recking havoc in your bed they can also live in your furniture, carpet, luggage, purses and clothing.

    OUCH!! Bed Bug Bites

    Bed Bugs feed on blood from humans and animals. If you have bed bugs and have been bitten by them you may noticed a burning painful itchy sensation. The bites tend to form a zigzag pattern or a straight line. It usually is a raised red bump with a clear center. Bed bugs are about the size of an apple seed that pack a painful punch in their bite.

How in the world did YOU get Bed Bugs?

Are you considered to be a “clean freak” and are wondering how you of all people got bed bugs in your home? Misconseption is that bed bugs only live in filth and cluttered areas, well this is some what true. Yes, they can live in filthy places but living in cluttered areas is more of an easy way for bed bugs to be undetected for a longer period of time. As you can imagine the longer they go undetected the longer they have to breed and multiply. There are more areas for them to hide within a mess rather than where it is kept tidy and that is cleaned regularly. Bed bugs stay close to their food source (humans) and usually hide until it is safe, striking (biting/feeding) while you are asleep. They are a ”hitchhiker” bug and can come into your home in many ways. Here is a list of places that you may want to be cautious of …

  • Theaters

  • Office Buildings

  • Public Transportation

  • Nursing Homes

  • Day Cares and Schools

  • Hotels

  • Police and Fire Stations

  • Your Work Place

  • Gyms

  • Basically any where has the potential of housing bed bugs!

    How to avoid getting Bed Bugs

    Now that we have talked about some of the places that can house bed bugs lets talk about some ways that you can avoid bringing them into your home.

  • When visiting a public place be on the look out for tiny insect shells, blood stains and fecal deposits

  • If you pick up or purchase second hand furniture always inspect it. Examine it closely for blood stains and casings, checking all the cushions and cracks

  • When you or your children visit a friends or family members home check the items that are being brought back into your home, such as bags and backpacks.

  • If you have guests staying at your home after they leave it is a good idea to wash the bedding on the hottest temperature immediately.

What to do when you have Bed Bugs

Okay so you were cautious in every way possible or so you thought.. and now you have bed bugs. Here are some tips on ways to help get rid of bed bugs.

  • Wash, wash and wash… Did I mention WASH? Wash your sheets, linen, curtains and clothes on the hottest temperature as well as the hottest temperature for the dryer.

  • Remove infested items.

  • Vacuum and empty after each use and throwing out immediately.

  • Get rid of infested items responsibly.

  • Call a professional! Most time a Bed bug infestation can not be controlled and eliminated with out the help of a professional.

One of the best ways to eradicate stubborn bedbugs is Thermal Heat Treatment. Bed bugs are hard to control because of their ability to hide in cracks and crevices making them difficult to locate. Thermal Heat is a great option for Bed Bug Control. Heat is used to eliminate bedbugs at all stages of life, from eggs to adults. Insecticides are no match for bedbugs as these pests are highly resistant. Bed bugs and their eggs die at a temperature of 118 degrees for a 90 minute period. During a Thermal Heat Treatment the technician stays on site the entire process, tracking and monitoring the temperature. The Heat is able to penetrate all areas of the room, even bed bugs that are tucked away and hiding will die off. Heat Treatment is a safe non-chemical approach to bed bug control.

Call Thermal Heat Pest today before you go another night with a bed bug infested home.

Don’t lose anymore sleep over these tiny pests.
