Fumigation Vs. Thermal Heat Preparation

Differences between preparation for a

Fumigation Vs. Thermal Heat Treatment

Here you can see the process of a fumigation tent going up on a residence. There is no tenting needed when choosing to go with a Thermal Heat Treatment.

Here you can see the process of a fumigation tent going up on a residence. There is no tenting needed when choosing to go with a Thermal Heat Treatment.

After a Pest Contol Professional has completed a full Termite Inspection on your property, the findings were drywood termites and have just scheduled your Fumigation, now what? You were hoping to be able to get a Thermal Heat Treatment but the Professional has called for a Fume. It can be a stressful time for you and your loved ones as well as pets, but knowing what to do and how to prepare can eliminate some of that added stress you may be having.

Little prep is needed for Thermal Heat Treatment!

The difference in preparing for a Heat Treatment rather than a Fumigation is that with Thermal Heat you do not need to leave your home. There is no need to pack and seal all times. You do however need to removed all heat sensitive items such as electronics and plastics. 


In no particular order is a check list of things to do in the days leading up to your scheduled Fumigation Tenting. While all may not apply to you if you do have any further questions about the process  or preparation Thermal Heat Pest will gladly go over it with you. 

Fumigation Check List

  • Have some where to stay. A fumigation can take from 3-5 days depending on the size of the structure and dosage of treatment. You will not be allowed to enter the property under any circumstances once the tent begins to go up.

  • Seal up all food and medication. Food and medication must be properly stored in highly resistant containers. Black Knight Pest will provide the owner with necessary bags at no added cost to seal other items that are not in the containers and securely be placed in the refrigerator.

  • Plants and pets need to be completely removed from inside the home. Pets should be off the property completely.

  • Make arraignments vehicles parked on the property. All vehicles and trailers should be off the property for duration of Fumigation.

  • Hold mail if needed.

  • Make any necessary arrangements for added security if you feel the need to.

  • Schedule gas shut-off and when it can restored with your gas company. If you are working with Black Knight Pest they will handle turn-off for you. The owner will just need to schedule turn on.

  • Make sure the Pest Control Professional has a copy of your key.

  • Purchase Tile Insurance if it applies to you. While professionals are extremely careful when accessing the roof there are times that tile(s) can break or become damaged during the process.

  • Turn off sprinkler systems, air conditioners, heaters, that are on timers day of Fumigation.

  • Be sure to give a signed copy of your agreement to your Pest Control Company.


Taking the necessary steps in preparing for a Fumigation can help the process not seem so overwhelming. Choosing the right Pest Control Company is important as they can provide the help you need from beginning to end.Don’t hesitate to ask if you have any questions regarding the Fumigation. 

With Thermal Heat there is no down time.

No need to find alternate dwelling for days at a time.

No need to pack and seal all items. 

COMENT BELOW if you have any other tips !

For more Thermal Heat Treatment advantages refer to our last blog

Or give us a call 951.870.0198