Bed Bug Facts

Bed Bug Facts 

Bed bugs, you know that you never want them in your home, but what else do you know about them? 

There are lots of unknown facts about bed bugs we thought we would share. Giving you an inside look on these sneaky blood sucking pests. 

  • Bed bugs can’t live outside.- 

    This has made them learn how to move on man-made surfaces that you find in the home. An outdoor environment does not provide the right living conditions for bed bugs. They need a dry place that is close to their food source. 

  • Bed bugs prefer to lay their eggs in mattresses and furniture.-

    Not only is your mattress a safe, and dark place but, they are close to you (their host). Other places they may lay their eggs are along baseboards, even cracks in the wall. Knowing where to look for bed bug eggs can help stop an infestation from growing further. Even so, a female bed bugs favorite place to lay her eggs thus far has to be a mattress. The mattress is where most infestations start, but not the only place they can be found. 

Bed bugs will lay their eggs in the cracks in floors, and baseboards.

Bed bugs will lay their eggs in the cracks in floors, and baseboards.

  • Bed bugs are actually slower to reproduce compared to other pests.-

    Each bed bug egg takes about 10 days to hatch, and another 6-7weeks to mature into an adult. So if you find that you have bed bugs in the home call a professional right away. With early detection it is possible to stop the spread before it becomes completely infested

  • Bed bugs will not bite day and night.-

    Don’t be surprised if you get up off the couch during a mid afternoon nap and find that you have been bitten by bed bugs. Even though bed bugs are nocturnal, if their host is near by and they are in need of a feeding they will bite during the day.

Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Effectively

with Thermal Heat Treatment

Pesticides do not work for killing bed bugs. Heat treatment is the most effective solution in treating bed bugs. Thermal Heat eliminates bed bugs at all stages at life. Heat penetrates all areas of the room, even bed bugs hiding in the most obscure places will be destroyed. From large to small infestations, heat treatments are 100% effective, and non-chemical way to eliminate bed bugs from your life. 

Call Thermal Heat Pest to find out more and schedule your Termite Inspection today! 951.870.0198