What to do about Bed Bugs

Bed Bugs in the Home

Wondering where to begin when worried about a bed bug problem in your home?

Temecula and Riverside County - Bed Bug Chemical FREE Treatment Service

Thermal Heat Pest

Let’s start with identifying the bed bug properly.

Grab some scotch tape and capture the suspected bed bug then place it onto a white piece of paper. By doing this you can get a much clearer view of what type of pest you are dealing with. Calling a bed bug professional to properly identify the pest is the most accurate way to determine the type of pest. This is also a great piece of evidence to hand over to your landlord or property management company, if need be.

Should you try bug spray and home remedies?

Most pesticides, and home remedies are useless in fending off bed bugs. Spraying your entire bed down with insecticides just does not work against a bed bug infestation. Trying to save yourself some time and money trying home remedies, just doesn’t work in killing bed bugs. Bed bugs are resilient pests. You will actually be saving money by calling on your local bed bug company Thermal Heat Pest.

Thinking of escaping your bed bug problem and sneaking off to friend’s home?

Chances are if you head on over to your best friend’s home you may end up in a fight before the weeks end. Bed bugs being the hitchhiking pest they are, you will likely bring them into another home without your knowing. So if you want to keep your friendship leave your best buddy our of it. Plus, bed bugs can live up to twelve months without a blood meal, so you’d need to basically take up residents.

Get rid of the mattress, get rid of the bed bug problem, right? WRONG.

Bed bugs despite their name infest far more than just beds. Bed bugs will infest curtains, couches, even in clothing, and furniture. If you decide to through out your matress this often times does not mean that your bed bug problem is gone.

Don’t feel hopeless in the battle of the bed bugs, pest professionals are available to help eliminate bed bugs.

Before you throw out all your things, or pack up and leave, call a bed bug professional. Local experienced  bed bug professionals are close by offering guaranteed bed bug extermination at any stage of life. Thermal Heat Pest kills bed bugs without the use of harsh chemicals. Instead of chemicals intense heat is used to kill bed bugs at any stage of the bed bug life cycle. Reaching a high controlled temperature bed bugs are killed off. Thermal Heat Treatment can be done in hours rather than fumigations that will take days for the process to complete. For businesses no added down time is a major perk of the bed bug elimination process. Homeowners obviously favor the fact that packing up and leaving the comfort of their own home to be pest free is not necessary. The thermal heat process take only a few hours from start to finish, making it more convenient for customers.

Thermal Heat Pest Control will exterminate any bed bug problem guaranteed.