Vector Pests and Covid-19

Is it possible to get Coronavirus from Insects?

The paranoia is evident surrounding Covid19 and as if we didn’t already have enough to worry about, you may find yourself wondering about all the things that may carry the virus. You may have caught yourself with the question, “Can insects carry the virus and then pass it onto a human?” No question is a stupid one when it comes to this worldwide pandemic we are now facing with Covid19, there is so much that we do not know, and are learning more and more daily about the virus. Especially with the warmer weather that is approaching insects will be buzzing around more and transmission from them may soon be on the minds of many people.

Coronavirus is NOT spread by Vector Pests.

Vector pests are pests such as mosquitoes, ticks, lice, wasps, bedbugs, ants, and wasps. Vectors are organisms that transmit diseases to humans. 

You may be familiar with infections such as Zika Virus, and the West Nile Virus which are transmitted by mosquitoes. Lyme disease is a common vector-borne infection that we are faced with that is caused by tick bites. Ticks also cause infections such as Anaplasmosis, Rocky Mountain Fever, and Ehrlichiosis.

 Get the idea of what Vector Pests are now?


Covid-19 (Coronavirus 2019) is a respiratory virus, mainly transmitted by human contact with bodily fluid from an infected person. COUGHING AND SNEEZING from a person who has the virus are common ways that virus is spread.  Touching of the face can often put you at higher risk and it is recommend that you wash your hands frequently throughout the day to help decrease your chances of catching the virus. Microscopic droplets from the infected person can be inhaled by someone standing close to them, or by coming into contact with an infected surface and then touching your face. Face Masks have now also been recommend to help decrease the spread, while you are out running essential errands.

 Social Distancing and Stay at Home Practice have been put into place to limit the transmission of Covid-19. Self Isolation seems to be the most effective way to help prevent the virus from spreading as well as protecting yourself and family. 

For more information on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) it is important that you refer to the 

CDC Website .

Zoonotic Coronaviruses

The New Coronavirus 2019 is Zoonotic, meaning that is a virus that has jumped the animal,  human barrier. Animal being the original host then crossing over to human. This can happen by eating contaminated food, or having direct contact with the infected animal. Once the virus has crossed the barrier it becomes very easy to spread by  human to human contact. To which it is highly recommend that you do not touch your face and wash your hands frequently, and self isolate when sick, to help avoid the spread.


Covid-19 is not caused my Vector Pests. It is spread by person to person contact. It is spread by tiny droplets that hang in the air from a sneeze or cough by the infected. The virus is then entered through the nose, eyes and or mouth the neighboring person(s). Vector Pests are not capable of spreading the Covid-19 by contact or bites. Covid-19 is spread from person to person contact. In general you want to avoid Vector Pests as the can carry other types of diseases.