Drywood Termite Soldiers

Drywood Termites

Soldier Termites protect the colony from various threats and other termites.

Termites eat an organic complex carbohydrate compound called cellulose, consisting of hundreds, to thousands of glucose molecules. Being the main molecule in the cell walls of plants, and algae, cellulose is what attracts termites to wooden structures. Eating across the grain, drywood termites destroy soft wood growth, and the harder summer wood growth.

Drywood termites are often hard to detect because they live deep within the wood, except for when they swarm. Swarmers most active and can be seen during the summer and fall months. A homeowner may discover they have a termite infestation when they come upon termite droppings, or swarmer wings. It is advised once you find evidence that you call in a professional termite inspector right away to properly asses the damage. All accessible areas should be inspected thoroughly, keeping in mind that some areas my be near impossible to get to. 

The inspector will look for several things during an inspection for termites:

  • Kick out holes

  • Droppings 

  • Wings

Termite Inspector

A professional termite inspector will use his experience, and expertise, along side key factors to determine the extent of the termite infestation. After an inspection is complete the property owner will receive a written termite report that will list any and all findings found during the inspection. The homeowner will be able to then go over all the findings and treatment options with the inspector. If you chose to go with Black Knight Termite and Pest Control / Thermal Heat, you will be able to complete any termite work, treat and infested area, and even get a written “Clear” Termite Report if needed to close Escrow. 

Termites chew through wood 24/7 with their scissor like jaws. A single termite colony can cause a homeowner thousands of dollars easily on needed tremens and repairs. Money that could be used in so many other ways rather than termite infestation treatment. Catch termites early, when you suspect that you have a termite problem call a professional right away. It could mean literally saving the integrity of your home. 

Thermal Heat Pest Treatment for Drywood Termites

Thermal Heat Pest can treat a drywood termite infestation without using harsh chemicals, eliminating termites completely. There is no added down time for businesses having to shut down for days at a time, or need for leaving your home, like with fumigation treatment. Area treatment for termites is available with thermal heat. After a termite inspection you will be notified if you have the option for a thermal heat treatment given the extent of the termite infestation. Get all your options upfront and from the most qualified termite professionals at Thermal Heat Pest.

Drywood Termite

Black Knight Termite and Pest Control (sister company), together with Thermal Heat has a fully licensed staff of termite and pest control professionals. 

Open for business during a pandemic. 

(We never closed) Continued service for our customers.

 Monday-Friday. 951.870.0198

Pest Control is an Essential Business.