Bed Bugs Facts Sheet

What you need to know about Bed Bugs

Bed Bug Facts Sheet

Summer is the time of year when Bed Bug infestations are at their peak. Getting your facts straight when it comes to the “hitchhiker” pests could help protect your home from a Bed Bug Problem


Bed bugs are extremely small in size, measuring only about 1/4”. They have a rusty colored brown, flat, oval body. Even though bed bugs are usually flat that may change shape depending on if they have recently fed on a host. If they have just fed then their body could look inflated, and more round, rather than flat. They are wingless insects, have antennas, and six legs. 

The Basics on Bed Bugs

  • The bed bugs habitat typically are small cracks and crevices. They are not limited to beds and mattresses.

  • Bed bugs feed on any warm-blooded animal. Feeding on the human blood mainly because of the exposed skin, as opposed to animals with fur. 

  • When a bed bug bites they inject the skin with saliva and anesthetic. The anesthetic prevents the host from feeling the bite.

  • Bed bugs DO NOT spread disease. 

  • Female bed bugs can lay over 500 eggs in their lifespan. 

  • Having no wings bed bugs cannot fly or jump.

  • They have the ability to live for months without food.

  • Thermal Heat Treatment is the non chemical, eco friendly, effective approach to bed bug elimination. 


  • NEVER take a mattress or furniture that has been sitting on the side of the road

  • Routinely check bedding and mattress for blood spots.

  • Wash sheets and bedding frequently with hot water. 

  • When ever returning from a trip, or extended stay of any kind- Place all wash all items of clothing and luggage if possible on hot. Place straight into washer. DO NOT bring in the home and place directly on floor. 

  • Some times referred to as a “hitchhiker” because they are easily transported. 

  • Because they are found in different types of dwellings makes them difficult to control. 

  • When staying anywhere other than your home check then room, mattress, and furniture for any signs of bed bugs before unpacking. 

  • Vacuum often. Sweep. Keep things tidy.

  • If you suspect that you have bed bug problem in your home, office, or business call a professional immediately. 


Heat Treatment whey done properly is 100% effective and more convenient for the customers. Unlike fumigation Heat Treatment only takes a few hours with no need to leave the home for days at time. Heat Treatment can be used to treat only the areas of infestation as opposed to the entire structure, saving time and money.

Bed Bug Problem.. Now What?

Call Thermal Heat Pest today for more information on the 100% effective green approach in Bed Bug Treatment. 


Don’t go another night sharing your bed with Bed Bugs!