Bed Bug Pandemic

Bed Bug Problems

1 in 5 Americans has either had bed bugs, or know someone who has had them. 

Bed bugs do not discriminate!

Rich, poor, male, female, vegan, or carnivore. They will hitch a ride on just about anything, Hitching rides from handbags, to luggage, and they’ll even hide in more places than just your bed. Consider yourself a bed bugs personal “Lyft.”

It is easy to overlook a bed bug. Many people don’t even know that they have them until it’s too late, and they are faced with an infestation. 

Bed bugs are not a do it yourself job. If you have a bed bug problem calling a licensed professional is the way to go. Trying to remove a bed bug problem yourself could end up being way more than you bargained for, and end up costing you more than a Pest Professional would have. You don’t have to take drastic measures! Thermal Heat Pest can get rid of a bed bug problem effectively, without damaging the bank. 

Where to you get bed bugs from?

In short, ANYWHERE!

Anywhere you go, they can go. Hospitals, playgrounds, gyms, hotels, doors, etc,.

Tips on how to prevent Bed Bugs

  1. Stay vigilant by changing bedding often.

  2. Before you settle in when you stay ANYWHERE, insect the room. Hotels, friends, family, etc,.

  3. Try to keep bags away from furniture, walls, couches, etc,. If possible keep bags on a tile floor.

  4. Never bring your bags straight into your home after staying away. Inspect luggage, and bags outside. Toss items in laundry immediately using a high heat.

  5. Always check second hand items before bringing them indoors.

  6. Declutter. Simple!

  7. Always wash and dry new items before you wear them.

  8. Know what to look for. Bed bugs will shed their skin, or leave pepper like spots.

Best Defense Against Bed Bug Pandemic Problems

The best defense against bed bugs it so stay alert, stay clean, declutter, and hire a professional in Bed Bug Extermination when you have an infestation. Never try to battle a bed bug problem on your own. Doing it yourself could have disastrous consequences! Thermal Heat Pest located in the Temecula Valley, servicing cities all around Riverside, and San Diego County will guarantee a bed bug free home. There is no reason why anyone should live with a bed bug infestation, when there is the versatility, and convenience of Thermal Heat. Thermal Heat is eco-friendly, and is free of harsh chemicals. Start with a bed bug inspection today.


Get help from the professionals in Bed Bug Extermination

Bed Bugs